Developer Nation is Rewarding Developers With Cash For Taking Survey

Developer Nation is Rewarding Developers With Cash For Taking Survey

Win $1000 By Just Sharing Your Opinion

About Slash Data

Developer Nation is a global community of software creators who want to influence the future of software and how it's built, stack up against emerging software development trends and make an impact by voicing opinions about tools and technologies directly to the people at the service of software creators. Developer Nation is a community behind global independent developer research program powered by SlashData. Each year we engage over 30,000 developers from more than 165 countries.

Survey Key facts:

Survey dates: June 8th 2022 - August 3rd 2023.

Relevance: professionals, hobbyists, student developers, no code software creators

Areas / Sectors : Web, Mobile, Desktop, Cloud, Industrial IoT, Consumer Electronics, Embedded software, AR & VR, Apps/extensions for 3rd-party ecosystems, Games, Machine Learning & AI, and Data science!

Localisation: English + 8 additional languages (Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Russian, Japanese, Korean)

Prizes: $19,000+ worth of prizes available in prize draws

General prize draw: $1000 & $250 towards the desktop set up of your choice, Nintendo Switch, $500 towards your AWS certification exam, $120 towards tool licenses, VIVO standing desk, Gumroad ebooks, Amazon vouchers, and more.


🎁Congrats to Mikhail of Kazakhstan 🎉 who won an iPhone 13 in our extra special prize draw for community members #DeveloperNationSurvey. Stay tuned for future prize announcements and why not take part yourself?

— Developer Nation Global Community (@devnationworld) December 23, 2021

Surprise prizes: hidden inside the survey for those who complete sector-specific set of questions, include $20 Amazon/Spotify/ Udemy vouchers, licenses, surpirse swag.

Special prizes for Developer Nation community members: iPhone 13, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7, swag (branded t-shirts, stickers, earbuds), $10 vouchers.

How To Take The Survey

To Take Survey, Simply Click Here